#52 Ancestors 2019 Week 8 - Family Photo

The subject for week 8 of the 2019 #52Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge, organised by genealogist Amy Johnson Crow, is 'Family Photo.' Of all of the family photos in my possession, the one I am about to share means the most to me - not only in terms of sentimentality, but in terms of historical significance. It is the oldest family heirloom in my possession, and the only image that I have of my great-great grandmother, and her children. Original photograph of Maguire family, c. 1906 This photo was originally in my Nan's possession, but since I am the (self-appointed) Family Historian, she passed it on to me for safe keeping. This photo was taken in mid to late 1906 which was a period of great hardship for this little family but, before we continue I strongly suggest reading my previous post 'Invite to Dinner' to give you some important contextual information. You can find the post here. Restoration of photograph of Maguire family, c.1906 Sta...